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Monday, September 9, 2013

The Rogerian Argument

I was out for an outing into a Facebook restaurant. As usual, this social pub was never in short of its consumers. 

But sadly, few of my friends have already left that public park while some were still there holding that green baton ready for the chat relay race.

This time, two of my friends who have discoed in that social club have suspended two quote boards nailed on the wall of Facebook. It read: 

a) I don’t understand why when we destroy something created by man we call it VANDALISM, but when we destroy something created by nature we call it PROGRESS- Ed Begley Jr.  

b)  Definition of Human Being: A creature that cuts trees, makes paper and writes "Save Trees" on the same paper.

I was not stunned to see the huge digit of comments for the posts because both the quotes sounded interesting. However, my attention cells waved in the direction of the second panel that defined Homo sapiens.

‘Ah! A new definition from ‘creationary: the dictionary of creativity’, I chuckled.

As I started to dissect it segment by segment under the microscope of my thick little brain, I could fairly zoom out huge muscles of meaning hidden in the gene of that statement. And I joined to swim in the pool of a belief that yes, humans are indeed the most sophisticated living commodity on this planet.  

The humans, mine and extract the harmful chemicals, make explosives from it and shout on the top of the world podium to stop wagging war using chemical weapons.

Similarly, humans run after the crazy democracy. They fish out for the intellectual heavyweights and push into a political ring to run the ship of democracy under their captain-ship. While it is always certain for the failures, the tsunami of cynicism blows off even for the fruitful sail and later laments saying that these people were great.     
Thus, I happened to feel something that human must join force to hunt for one thing: A memory chip, when inserted can easily detect the status and feelings of other people or like an indicator that can predict acidic or alkaline faces.   

I really wonder that when human can fly over atmosphere, dive into the hydrosphere and built towers inside the lithosphere, why really can’t people think and adjust the pH of their temperament.

Day after day, people flood the serene terrain of newspaper forums with high density of venomous comments to each other. They exchange intellectual blows with the fingers of their words rusted with soot that can even change the colour of the nation itself.

Forums are like 3D video conferencing to me. No matter where people are, anyone can see it simultaneously through the spectacle of that writer. Whether it is good or bad, the whole in is out and the prolific writers really do magic in changing the thinking of the audience. 

Thus, I feel there is no need for Syllogistic Reasoning adorned with those syllogistic fallacies in the forum. 

Should there be anything to discuss, why can’t we opt for that noble Rogerian Argument?
Rogerian argument is the kind of argument that endoscopes for the commonalities. The reasons, ideas, and beliefs are brought together and then argued on the common ground.

This form of argument bridges the distant far and makes the far closer. And a GNH country like Bhutan, following it would mean Utopia over the Last Shangri-La.  

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