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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Countdown in Asiatique, The Riverfront

            With only a few hours left for the year to register with a new name, I was also curious to flip the first page of 2014 with a completely new move. For many days back, I was busy editing the calendar of my mind to insert a plan that was apparently fresh and memorable. Those messages that pooled on the Facebook wall many hours ahead of time further salivated my mind to remain glued on one idea and execute the sketch of my plan instantly. Finally, I plunged into the trigger of my plan to visit Asiatique in Bangkok.

        Asiatique, The Riverfront is the newest Bangkok Night Market. It is one place totally flooded with the regular footsteps of tourists from many countries. Located near the Chao Phraya River, it is one of the coolest places to hang around among many in Thailand.

            The 2014 Countdown with thousands of people yelling ‘Happy New Year’ was amazing. I was thrilled to be with my wife this time in a new place with a unique celebration. That storm of happiness was so strong that it even broke out the tight cap of my own trust that I kissed a bottle of Chang, a locally brewed beer in Thailand. It was exactly 3:15 AM morning after I realized that Chang has left me cold on the bed.

Asiatique, The Riverfront

Inside a boat moving towards Asiatique

The day like the night 

Asiatique 2014 countdown balloon

2014 resolution 1: Revive my drinking skills which I left 13 years ago

"Celebrate what you want to see more of"- Tom Peters 


  1. Happy New Year and have a great life ahead!

  2. Happy new year. Enjoy Bkk. Dont drink too much Chang lest you become Chang zey. Lol. Kidding. Explore and enjoy every nook and cranny of Bangkok. Give my regards to all friends in Bangkok.

  3. it indeed was fun. yes i agree with Mr. tshewang, dun drink too much chaang but yes happy new year



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