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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Making into its Maiden Publication

Writing is seriously a task that many of us put off doing unless we have specific reasons. If one is an amputee of opulent vocabulary or handicapped of nuts and bolts of writing, it certainly aggravates our writing fluency and injures our interest in investing time for it.

One kind of writing that needs technical eloquence and structured ideas is academic writing. It is poles apart in terms of the processes involved and ideas presented from that of ‘free writing’.

Even if one is habitual in writing formal and freestyle writing at affluent ease – as many of us do, venturing into academic writing is conclusively challenging that, our free-style writing skills necessarily does not qualify us to be an academic writer.  

I have learnt that in academic writings, we need to possess and develop an armour of sound technical vocabularies for the disciplines we are engaged with. That logical sequence of arguments that is otherwise ‘OK’ for one discipline is shallowly approved in another. For instance, a typical scientific paper often seeks for lesser paragraphs with denser and factual information while papers related to Humanities is reasonable to be lengthy so as to have room for assessing structured linguistic arguments.

However, in both cases, any academic neophytes –that lacks scientific know-how, can always have a scope to fine-tune and make our dreams of publication a reality. The only tool that we need to have is an appetite to learn and befriend with patience.    
So for me, with persistent and vigorous academic assistance from Dr Sonam Rinchen, Dean of Research and Industrial Linkages, Samtse College of Education, Samtse, my manuscript finally found a place to get published. It took exactly a year to find space into its maiden publication of “Educational Innovation and Practice”, a biannual academic journal of Samtse College of Education, Samtse after put through a peer review.

Thank you Dr Sonam Rinchen for channelling my crude article to the experts to hone it with their research whetstone and thereby making it palatable and appetizing to the readers, particularly the researchers. Thank you for helping me add another cap to my publication catalogue.

“Learn as much by writing as by reading” – Lord Acton


  1. Congratulations on seeing your dream become a reality. All the work you put in to fulfil that dream paid off.

    1. Thank you. In fact, I have plans to write more and engage myself into academic writings.

  2. Congratulation sir for that. We can only dream for such things. Keep writing and stacking more in your publication list!

    1. Sherab sir, Thank you so much for the comments. It was only that I kept myself engaged in. It may not be having an aspiring quality.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you sir. Heard that you have been promoted to something like Curriculum Officer or Research Officer? I know you have that interest and capacity. Good luck.

  4. Woohoo! Congrats! I bet you felt so good when you saw your name there. :)
    Well deserved.

    1. Hehe. You know that kind of feeling that I have experienced as soon as I saw my name in the list of academic elites.Thank you for the comments.

  5. Congratulations Sir for such a wonderful achievement. Please keep up the good work. Hard work is always rewarded. God bless u!

    1. Thank you Amrith sir for the comments. I am still an apprentice trying my hand into research paradigms. As time grows, I think I will also cultivate some research features into my writing.



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