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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Transformative Phdsynthesis: Part 2

 My experience of embarking on a PhD journey was both challenging and transformative.

Challenging because I had to cope with difficult intellectual and emotional demands while navigating through complex research problems and moving beyond known boundaries of current literature to develop my original contributions of knowledge. Due to the length and nature of this rigorous academic demand, it was intellectually tiring and emotionally draining, which put my resilience and perseverance to an acid test. 


Despite these challenges, my PhD journey was deeply transformative. Based on this experience, I argue why my article is titled, Transformative Phdsynthesis in Part 4 🤭. A PhD leads to a remarkable achievement not only in terms of academic scholarship but also in terms of developing personal growth and significant soft skills (e.g., critical thinking, problem-solving skills, resilience, and adaptability). I realised how resilient I was in navigating the rigorous academic journey and appreciated that I was able to complete it. Now, I have developed a profound respect and admiration for those who have completed their PhD – not because I have done it but because I understand the profound transformation it entails.


In pursuing PhD, I realised that identifying challenges was one thing but understanding how to mitigate those challenges was quite another. That is why, I was very cautious in balancing my area of control, out of my control, and the area of influence (see Figure below). 


Understanding the areas within my control helped me to manage them effectively and experience meaningful progress. Identifying the factors beyond my control facilitated me to make appropriate mitigations and prevent unnecessary shocks and setbacks. Knowing the area of influence reminded me to advance with a more balanced approach to achieving academically and personally. 


1. IN My Control 

I identified that some of the following things were in my control: 



Keeping the flame of self-motivation was crucial for me. I achieved this by constantly encouraging myself and drawing inspiration from my role models. Drawing from the knowledge I learned during the Young Professional Leadership Program, I nurtured a robust growth mindset. I believed that, when others can, I can.  


Health and Wellbeing

Taking care of my health (physical & mental) was my topmost priority although I faced challenges along the way. I reminded myself that a healthy person without a PhD can survive but a doctorate without good health would be miserable to imagine. That’s why, self-care habits such as going for evening walks, sleeping on time, and managing stress were consciously practised. I also sought support from healthcare professionals when needed. 


Feedback and Improvement

Seeking feedback from my supervisors helped me to advance my PhD progress. However actively seeking input in the form of normal conversation from my seniors, peers, and close friends allowed me to identify blind spots and areas for improvement. For example, discussing my work with some of my friends in related fields led to constructive criticism that mostly transpired in knowledge co-elaboration.


Time Management

Focusing on my primary purpose (i.e., to pursue PhD), I dedicated my time solely to it. Although it was challenging to juggle between academics, personal, family, and social life, I did it. I attended social gatherings to take much-needed breaks from the constant study. I did not stress over covering what I missed when I was at such gatherings. To make up for the lost time, I set small and realistic goals to progress. I minimised procrastination or drowning in the sea of social media which often diverted my focus to my study. 


Work Habit

I identified that establishing a good work habit (focusing on the required work) requires a conducive environment. I preferred working from home. The COVID-19 pandemic has further limited my mobility. But having a fixed work environment (a separate room) at home helped me easily locate things and track progress. I developed a discipline to work constantly and consistently even if the progress I made was very minimal. For example, at times, I struggled to complete a single paragraph after a full day of effort 😥🥺.  

Things out of my control and influence zone will be elaborated later 🤣. 

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