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Saturday, March 29, 2014

The yield from a toothless paper

"Life is like a camera, just FOCUS on what's important and CAPTURE the good times, DEVELOP from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another SHOT”- Anonymous

This is one brilliant quote that possesses the magnetic muscle to lure my attention throughout the seasons. It keeps me moving always.

Last Friday, on acceptance of my toothless research paper, I was invited for an oral presentation at the 9th Siam Physics Conference. This is an annual event convened in Thailand to crossbreed the professional ideas between the scientists, researchers, teachers and students from both national and international zones.  Held at the Rajamangala University of Technology Isan at Nathon Ratchasima (North-East of Thailand) this year, it was 8 hours ride by train from my university. 

The long journey to a completely new place was tiring and terrible though. And travelling the whole night has burnt all the calories of my enthusiasm and liveliness to a certain degree.  But even at the time when the whole world has slept, one reason kept my nerve awake: A chance to present my paper in the presence of top-notch gangs of physicists.

The train station at Hau Lam Pong, Bangkok

Trying some typical Thai noodles

Giving a shot

Registration of the participants

Fortunate to have a banquet session with a Canberean Guest Speaker

Thank you for your hospitality: Khun Byo and Proff. Pum

I spoke on the small survey study done with my friend under the guidance of my Physics professor Dr Suchai Nopparatjamjomras. I don’t claim to have been very successful in presenting my work but it invested in me a high sense of pride and confidence. After my presentation was over, few even came up with their cameras to take a snap with me. I felt honoured to have been in the circle of those world-class presenters. 

The 3 days conference kept on adding new names into my memory. I met people from all walks of life and from every rung of the careers. I captured those beautiful moments that kept on fleeting. I became friends with some powerful keynote speakers, professors, international students and hosts. The yield of happiness and satisfaction I derived from my toothless paper was beyond compare because I could capture the good times within a shorter span of my life there.   

"Good things happen when you meet strangers"- Yo Yo Ma    


  1. Congratulations Dumcho! Great opportunity. I am sure it must have been a great experience. What was you paper on? I would love to read your paper. Could you send it to me at
    And yeah, why do you call your paper a toothless paper? Regards.

  2. Wow...I am so happy for you...very well done!
    And thank you so much for sharing this amazing journey with us...these photos are fabulous...I could almost imagine I was there too!
    I so enjoyed reading this.:)

  3. Dear Sir Tshewang,
    Thank you for the compliments. Yup, I had a very rich and enriching experience by participating in such a big professional conference. I got to speak something that I did. I will sent my paper although, it is a very small survey paper. But, I enjoyed because I became the first person to have presented something int eh first semester itself. Thank you.

  4. Dear Ms. Ygraine,
    There is always a reason for me to write and the reason is you, the most considerate person who never regrets for reading my gibberish pages.
    It has brought me so much of pleasure and satisfaction because I happened to attend such a big conference with so many scientists and physicists. The stay was just amazing and memorable.

  5. Congratulation sir ji. Who won't consider you fortunate for receiving such an opportunity? Regards.

  6. Sherab sir,
    Thank you a lot. I was fortunate because I have learned so many things besides some professional business.

  7. Phub,
    I am in a way grateful to you for reading my article and for revering me as your boss. But, usually, I hate that word 'boss' because I have a terrible stories which suck s my life.
    Thank you anyways.

  8. A candle loses nothing to light another candle, this is a beautiful quote. So I hope you could really touch the lives of others with your presentation. I hope to see you doing many such presentation. Good luck, Dumcho!

  9. Riku sir,
    Thank you so much. I agree with your quote but may be it is otherwise this time. I was in fact lighted by the presence of those physics think-tanks. Get associated during such event is marvelous.
    Hope I get such kind of chances hereafter too. And thank you for your wishes too. I mean it because you spoke my prayers. Thank you.

  10. I love that first quote about about developing the negatives and taking another shot... this is what we need to do... Thank you for your kind comment ;-)

  11. Thank you Ms. Launna.
    Keep writing on your blog. You write something different and new every day. I really appreciate the way you organize the ideas to capture the audiences. Thank you so much.



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